

On Sunday the challenge was made. How will you respond?

Genesis 3:19 (page 4 in the Renovatus black Bible) says, "You were made from
dust and to dust you shall return."

Ash Wednesday starts the Lenten season by reminding its participants that they are dust. Or as the band Kansas put it, "all we are is dust in the wind". By fasting for 40 days we are to be reminded of our great need of a saviour. We are dust. There are 46 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter, six of those days are Sundays. In tradition Sunday's were exempt from fasting because they were the days when we celebrated the Lord, our saviour. We are dust...but...
2 Corinthians 5:17 (696) says, "...anyone who belongs to Christ has become a
new creation. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!"
We are dust, but have been given life! For the next 46 (minus 6 Sundays) days what will you fast from? Share with the community anonymously or sign in with your name, what you will give up in order to be reminded of your need for Jesus.

And for those of you who are really dangerous: what will you replace it with in order to live more authentically for Christ?