
Psalm 151. A Psalm of You.

Are you ready to let your heart pour? Recently at the Renovatus church we studied 2 Chronicles 20; a story about an impossible situation in which God miraculously delivered His people.

Maybe YOU have been rescued from an awful situation, or perhaps you are, at this moment, standing on the "impossible" side of the problem and are looking toward the heavens crying out, "God! Where are you? Aren't you going to do ... something?"

So here is the challenge: Take some time and write a Psalm of your own. Read through a few Psalms from the Bible for inspiration, or if you like, here is a quick outline from 2 Chronicles 20.

1. Speak of God’s exalted position. (20:6.) Carefully choose these words! What characteristics impress you most about Him? What attributes are most outstanding? Take note of who He is.

2. Recognize God’s performance in the past. (20:7-8.) His is a perfect record that will stand forever. (And by the way, His reputation is at stake in your life!) You may decide to recite historical mile-markers from the Bible or other historical resources, or you may prefer to praise Him for personal experiences that He has brought you through. Take note of what He has done.
3. Praise Him for His power! (20:9.) Be very thoughtful with these words. Are you able to praise Him before the storm hits? Can you praise Him from the middle of the storm? Does praise well up in you because you survived the storm? Take note of what He can do.

So, will you share your psalm?

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