
The Living Reminder

(Note: The leaders of the Renovatus Church of Christ Home Communities have begun reading Henri Nouwen's book, The Living Reminder, with senior minister, Kevin Woods. While the conversation below is a result of their dialog, ANYONE is certainly welcome to chime in! To pull a line from O Brother, Where Art Thou, "Come on in fellers! The water is fine!")

Henri J. M. Nouwen is just killing me! For this tiny little booklet only being 80 pages, it seems like I can hardly finish a single page without turning to my journal to wrestle with God! It's not a quick read ... thought I am tempted to blast through it. He makes ministry so ... personal!

The only way for Home Communities to become the dynamic heart of the Renovatus ministry is for her leaders to grasp the "connection between ministry and spirituality" and to understand that "service is prayer and prayer is service." (page 13.) So what does that mean to you personally? Is this provoking a lot of introspection for you? What has your prayer life been like since starting this book? And for that matter, what have your ministry moments (especially with your Home Community) since starting Nouwen? Has there been any change in your style of ministry? In your spiritual discernment? In your sensitivity? Do your people feel even more like YOUR people?

I know it's only been slightly over a week, but I'm already beginning to sense that God is beginning to move. Have you noticed?