
The Kingdom

So lets talk about the kingdom of heaven. If you were not able to join us on Sunday we began our three month long journey through the Gospel according to Matthew. We will be discovering what the kingdom of heaven that Jesus often spoke about is.

Here are some stories told by Jesus and recorded by Matthew. Read one, read two, or even read them all.

Matthew 13.31-35 (page 586 in the Renovatus Bibles)
Matthew 18.21-35 (590)
Matthew 19.16-30 (590)
Matthew 20.1-16 (590-591)
Matthew 22.1-14 (592)

Lets teach eachother. Lets challenge eachother. Lets question eachother. What is this kingdom? What was Jesus teaching? How do you live it out? Do you have any insights, understanding, observations, or questions that should be shared with the community? Don't be shy...interact...discuss...

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